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The Creative Process


 Claudia at the El Fenn Concept Store, Marrakech

   Since 2024, the El Fenn concept store in Marrakech has housed the MajorElles collections. Yann Aayan, the curator of the boutique, commissioned Claudia Patchett to create a limited edition of suede ombré kaftans. With this new venture, Claudia’s endeavour was to create something quite unique, and led to her mastering a new dyeing process, never seen before, with suede. Contrary to traditional dyeing procedures (which require the suede to rotate in vast wooden barrels over a 12 hour period) this blended colour effect was only achievable by hand. This ombré technique took Claudia over a year to perfect and was extremely challenging. Many factors needed to be taken into consideration. The sourcing of natural pigments, colour fixation and drying conditions to name but a few.

   However it was not in vain… for the result is truly remarkable, with kaftans echoing the abstract works of Marc Rothco through their unique blend of complementary colours including the vivid bleu Majorel. The kaftan line is impossible to replicate as the dyeing technique’s secret formula is strictly guarded by the MajorElles creators. The El Fenn curator at one point likened the kaftans to works of art and a framed kaftan now hangs in pride of place on the boutique’s prime wall. Each item of this arty collection is labelled with a hand embroidered etiquette, each garment individually numbered as the edition is limited to #50 unique pieces.

   This latest collection may be viewed at the El Fenn boutique store in Marrakech and purchased in any size online. Most items may be customised and made to mesure in a variation of colours. We hope you enjoy discovering more about this Limited Art Edition and we invite you to subscribe in order to receive monthly updates regarding future capsule collections… and more!


 Limited Art Edition of ombré kaftans at the El Fenn boutique


 Limited Art Edition of ombré kaftans at the El Fenn boutique

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